There are some great links to some great "couponing" sites that I use daily; and I'll show you how I organize and save as well, I like to keep it EASY. Check out the WELCOME spot to your right to get started

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gaining Information and Tips

Couponing Blogs - Use Them to save Sanity! - I have added some more links to the left here with some more GREAT couponing blogs. Some are from around here which helps, others are around the country so some things they offer don't apply because they don't have stores we do, but the Internet is universal so that isn't a big deal. These gals give you:
  • Crazy Alert - These ARE the crazies
  • Tons of ideas
  • Deal scenario's at every store possible - What they bought and what coupons they used etc.
  • What to buy where; each week
  • Price comparisons
  • These point you to where the coupons are on the web and what's coming in your newspaper that week
  • They share deals around town
  • Coupon codes
  • Promotions
  • They show you what they bought and for how much OOP
    (out of pocket)
  • Basically - They do all the hard work for you :)
  • My favorite is Krazy Coupon Lady
Website Reader -
Where I got confused is HOW the heck do I find time to check these websites every day?
And if I don't, what if I miss out on a GREAT deal?
My answer is curb the parinoia and save time with:
Real-Time Google Reader for your favorite sites.
  • You add all the websites you frequent and you view them all from one page! I have my favorite family/friends blogs, my coupon blogs, my favorite recipe blogs and Tips blogs loaded up to view here. (I follow 31 total daily)
  • This page will show you any and all new posts from every site you put on here, you can view them from there or click on the post and it will take you to the site itself
  • I scan through all the sites in minutes instead of's a lifesaver!
  • It's free and you can use your Yahoo! account as your Google ID too, so you just sign up with a Google ID and the site is free.
  • You mark items as "read" so you know you've seen them
  • You can "Star" items that will then save the link in your starred folder so you can go back to view these anytime.
  • You can share items with friends
CRAZY alert - this is my idea, haven't seen it on any couponer blogs as of yet - I'm the CRAZY one!

Next up? Getting Organized...

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About Me

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Utah, United States
I love to cook, it's how I de-stress; most people don't understand it but they love to taste test! I turn on some great tunes, and get to baking. Here's my family blog, come see what we're up to at I'm also big into couponing and can help you save a lot of money here: Thanks for visiting my little corner of the Web :)